Saturday, August 22, 2015

Still Alive- Trying to Make Up For Lost Time (8/22)

I know a lot of you have been concerned about my whereabouts; and to all of you that were legitimately concerned about my health and well being, I thank you. I am indeed a healthy young man still, and very gracious for that. I have, though unfortunately, had to slow down my production of images as I struggle to finish my last year of my studies in college. I apologize to all of you that had to take a backseat to my busy and hectic schedule. If I were a rich man, I would definitely have all the free time in the world to do what the fans demand of me; however, the need to go to work by day and school by night, along with commission projects, has left me a little overwhelmed in the past year. Again, I know that it has not been fair to all of my faithful fappers that enjoy my foot fetish themed parody artwork. Hopefully, as the year progresses I will be able to post more reguarly. To all of you that will forgive me for my lack of consistency, I am eternally grateful- and to those that will always hold this grudge over my head, I can do nothing more than apologize. In the meantime, however, I do have a couple of goodies I can share- and hopefully you will all notice the subtle improvements my illustrations have made in recent months.
Until next time, fap away!


Cheeseburgie said...

Man... I missed you. :')

BadMrFrostyy said...

Happy to see your alive and well Friend!!! Taking time off to focus on studies was important and a smart move. I do hope to see some amazing artwork from you soon! Welcome Back!!

Anonymous said...

Yay you're not dead :D

Unknown said...

Glad you remembered your password!

Please respond to your emails!

Anonymous said...

Hey glad I r not dead what happened to anal motel or blackutary rape

p_g-force_11 said...

Wow, I really can see an improvement. I know things get really hectic, so I never badger artists, authors, etc. I'm just glad to have you back and hope that you post when you have the time. And I'm just so glad to see still putting out great work.

evilspice said...

Glad to see you back!!!!!
Love Francine!!!!!

Zecora Zebra said...

Glad to see you back, LGA! Looking forward to more of your great artwork.

Unknown said...

Dude i thought about this bc i havent checked it in a long time and thank you for not leaveing

Unknown said...

please can you do something with meg and lois? been dying to see some of that

Unknown said...

Glad your back, great new work! THANKX!!

Vinman said...

Thank you for your phenomenal work

Sérgio said...

I was happy for you

Vinman said...

Happy your back

Unknown said...

can you upload the old stuff ?

curlhertoes said...

WELCOME BACK !!! I see that there are some pictures gone like the (caught) one and others that were posted at same time is there a reason for there removal ?

KQ said...

So glad this is back!

Unknown said...

Could you maybe do one where lois is domininant? Because there's an episode where she wears s&m gear

Anonymous said...

Pleeease more feet with stewe sniff and lick.. i never lost hope , i love you men jaja
Sorry i spanish...

Unknown said...

do you still have the really old NMG pics that you made before you redid the chapters?

Unknown said...

Make Lois pregnant and give birth